Following a recent spate of alcohol-fuelled violence on the St Kilda foreshore, Port Phillip Council has extended an alcohol ban in the area to 24 hours a day over the summer months.

“St Kilda needs to be safe and welcoming for everyone. This is why we have acknowledged the concerns and calls for a wider ban by some traders and residents and Victoria Police,” City of Port Phillip Mayor Dick Gross said in a statement.

As reported by the ABC, two men were arrested following a brawl on Saturday night, and last month two men were attacked by a group of youths.

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A year-round nightly alcohol ban already exists in the City of Port Phillip, which covers all public places and parks. It runs from 8pm to midday. Over the festive season, a 24-hour alcohol ban runs from December 23 to January 2. This extension would see that 24-hour ban run until March 31 every year.

The extended 24-hour ban was first introduced late last year after a crowd of around 5000 people trashed South Beach Reserve on Christmas Day. That ban was overturned in March this year.

Port Phillip Council has also implemented a glass ban on the beach and allocated $1.1 million to clean-ups and patrols.

People will still be able to consume alcohol from noon until 8pm on the nine-kilometre stretch of foreshore that falls outside St Kilda. This excludes key public holidays, which will have a City of Port Phillip-wide alcohol ban.

The council has also accepted Victorian Government funding for extra CCTV for the Upper Esplanade, Acland Street, the Palais and National Theatre entertainment precincts, and Luna Park.